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Artwork from China

Many hundreds of pieces are sorted into the various categories below.  You can search anything by SUBJECT and OBJECT TYPES...or... PRIMARY MATERIALS.   With very few exceptions, all items are one-of-a-kind. Items listed in the collections below represent variety, but there are far more pieces in the showroom than can be practically shown in detail here.  Check back to see new listings.  

Subjects and Object Types

A wide range of characters from Buddhas, Guanyins and scholars to dragons, all kinds of animals and even creatures like vegetables

Wide range of style and age bowls, dishes (Chinese for plates), and chargers (very large dishes or large shallow bowl)

Oil paintings, porcelain paintings (some erotic), and various decorative objects

All sizes and styles of wood furniture, trunks, boxes, and baskets

All sizes of intricately painted porcelain vases, jars, some with covers. 

Porcelain teapots, wine ewers and moon flasks.  Also dark brown clay teapots in a wide range of styles 

Rank badges, embroidery, costumes and miscellaneous clothing

Pillows, lamps, chops, weight scales, hand fans, etc. made from many different materials

Primary Materials

Primary Materials

Vases, jars, ewers, bowls, dishes, flat tiles and paintings, as well as a variety of teapots

Statues, figures, small to large decorative containers, tripod censers, etc 

Gods, mortals, animals, dragons, bi disks, belt buckles, containers, jewelry, etc

All kind of furniture, curio displays, scrolls, baskets, boxes, figurative carvings, etc.

Chinese Art Gallery


a sampling of various Objects and Materials

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